I thought it was just a car park

Dear Sir,

Crowded spaces are a magnet for terrorists.  It’s a waste to martyr yourself unless you can slaughter lots of innocents at the same time.  I would love to see hoards of heavily armed soldiers in all our busy shopping centres and at all popular events,  but this isn’t going to happen.  Why? because  somewhere someone has decided the necessary resources are better deployed in, say, our health system.  It’s a risk management choice.  Now I am sure Andrew Wilkie knows more about security than I do,  and he is calling for the Australian Federal Police to return to the Hobart Airport.  Is he proposing that security officers be relocated from, say, Sydney airport,  or is he suggesting that additional resources be allocated to security in general.  If the latter,  why stop with Hobart Airport?  I must say when I travel on the Spirits I feel much more vulnerable than I ever do flying.  But, unlike Andrew,  I’m no expert on security.

Richard McCure   Sandy Bay
August 2017
