The Republic Debate Sept 2022
The Queen in England died this month. After a pause in all democratic activities and debate (in parliaments and public) to mourn the loss, and whilst individuals were counselled not to disregard the solemnity of the time, the support for monarchy and support for an Australian republic began to manifest itself. It seems that both arguments have been guided by ships of fools. The monarchy itself has the defects, so far as the Australian polity is concerned, of being only of historical relevance, being distant both geographically and intellectually, run by 'natural selection' - whomever is on top of the pile/castle at the time (this time it is King Charles III, next it might be his eldest son William, but it could have been Randy Andy, or the American Depressed Harry)- depending on how the dice fall on the day. The republic argument has been used for political purpose and tainted by the captain of the team at the time being other than universally accepted as an objective advoca...